WELCOME TO Rajasi Universal Education & Charitable Trust

Literacy is a process by which one expands one’s knowledge of reading and writing in order to develop one’s thinking and learning for the purpose of understanding oneself and the world. This process is fundamental to achieving competence in every educational subject. 
Our programs in Literacy Education engage teachers and other professional educators in the study of rich language and literacy practices from early childhood through adolescence and adulthood.



Dr.Mallikarjunaiah H.
MA, MPhil PhD.

About Rajasi Universal Education & charitable trust

At this juncture, I can assure that your admission into Rajasi Universal Education & charitable trust will be the key to your success.Yes! Rajasi Universal Education & charitable can make the diffrence. Our Universityu has been dedicated to its mission of nurturing students who will contribute to society by advancing their knowledge. The University is designed to educate and train you in the subject of your choice, by following the best standards available.

Rajasi Universal Education Services

Art & Culture education plays an important role in the development of any nation. It represents a set of shared attitudes, values, goals and practices.
Culture and creativity manifest themselves in almost all economic, social and other activities.

Education & Literacy

Legal Awareness & Aid


Vocational Training

Labour & Employment

Women’s Development & Empowerment


Happy Customers


Awards Won


Hours Worked


Completed Projects

Welcome to Rajasi Universal Education

We help world, to become independent and strong civil society - NGOs, We help to solve problems and better serve the people in shining a light on the issues
that matter most - like education standards, access to healthcare, the rule of law, and economic opportunity.

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a non-profit, citizen-based group that functions independently of government. NGOs, sometimes called civil societies, are organized on community, national and international levels to serve specific social or political purposes,
and are cooperative, rather than commercial, in nature.

NGOs work independently for the empowerment of underprivileged people. They aim to fulfill their tasks that are oriented to bring a desirable change in the society.

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The institute transform its vision into reality in path of achieving excllence in labour & Skills based on fundamentals of 21 century education to conform and serve basic human needs, for overall development and enoumrous growth.

Rajasiuniversaleducation institute belives in strategic growth as envisaged in our mission , to impact quality education through vertical & horizontal integration. We aspires to create academic issues skill in labour &
commitment as the key concern of the young generation and make a sigficant contribution in over all development all over the world. Institute endeavor to empower youth.
